Discover the wonderful benefits of student life as part of our caring, friendly community

To see if our school is the right fit for your child, they are invited to spend a day with us to experience our delightful setting first-hand.


A Trial Day

Changing schools is an important decision for every family. Our ACG Student for a Day™ is the best way for prospective students to experience our welcoming and inclusive environment first-hand. 

As part of the ACG Student for a Day™ programme, children follow a personalised timetable and spend the day in classes, giving them a chance to meet their fellow students and learn from our specialist teachers.

In addition, students in Years 10 to 13 are invited to meet with our College Head so that they can get a better idea of what life at our school would be like for them.

Be Our Guest

We would love to host your child at our school. Children may take part in the ACG Student for a Day™ and gain a deeper understanding of life at our school. Please complete the form below with your child's details and recent school reports so that we can develop a personalised timetable tailored to their needs. By providing this information, we can ensure they experience the aspects of our school most relevant to their interests and goals.